Can I Cure My Addiction to Alcohol?
Happy New Year! That phrase will ring throughout the world as we celebrate and look forward to a upcoming and prosperous New Year. I find it striking about the number of articles that have been written this week about curing the big hangover that accompanies this celebration. Does this celebration mask our overdependence to alcohol? Addictions are most commonly associated with drug and alcohol addiction, however the principle is millions of people suffer from all kinds of addictions. Some of these addictions are related to some form of chemical dependency such as alcohol, controlled substances and even prescription medicines. Other addictions are related to compulsive types of behavior such as gambling, shopping, food disorders an even the Internet. One of the most necessary things to pinpoint about any type of addiction, regardless of whether it is a chemical addiction or a behavioral addiction; is that it is not a matter of choice. Individuals who are addicts do not have the faculty to easily select to stop abusing their 'drug' of choice. Addictions affect not only the user, but also their family and friends as well. So what is an addiction? How does it begin and when does a pattern of behavior become an addiction? Some individuals seem to have the expertise to use a substance or engage in a behavior periodically over a period of years without becoming 'hooked.' Others; however are not capable of stopping and become addicted. Addictions affect all social and educational groups. There is no typical addict. The causes of addiction have been studied for several years. In bountious ways, addiction is caused by the emotion the substance or behavior brings about in the user. The body and mind become dependent on that feeling and seeks to maintain it. There are addiction risk considerations that make some people more likely than others to become addicts. Studies show that sometimes addictions can be hereditary. The child of an alcoholic may not grow up to be an alcoholic, however, they may become addicted to gambling or some other type of compulsive behavior as an adult. Besides hereditary, individuals who grow up in families with abuse, neglect and who are impoverished are more likely to become addicts. For most addicts, it can be extremely laborious to recognize that what they have associated with as candidly a habit is actually an addiction. While every individual varies there are some signs that are habitual among most addicts and addictions: Symptom # 1 Unable to meet responsibilities at home, school or office. Symptom # 2 Continues to use substances or engage in behavior even when it puts them in jeopardy. Symptom # 3 The need increases to engage in behavior or use numerous amounts of a substance to obtain the same ramification or feeling. Symptom # 4 Has tried but failed to stop using the substance or end the behavior. Symptom # 5 Continues to engage in the behavior or use the substances even when they are cognizant of the dangers. Answering yes to three or more of the above conditions during a 12 month period may show that you or a loved one has an addiction. The number one step to treating an addiction is recognizing that it exists. There is no cure for an addiction. Treatment and counseling can lend a helping hand to an addict to show how to manipulate their behavior, withstand impulses and pinpoint the presence of a headache, but an addict is never cured. Treating an addiction can take years and requires ongoing support from friends, families and support groups. A 12 step program can be particularly healthful in treating an addiction. One of the most well known 12 step programs is AA, also known as Alcoholics Anonymous; however there are similar programs for all types of addictions. Living with an addiction requires a once daily commitment and there is always the possibility of relapsing. An addict that has been "pure" for even 20 years can succumb to temptation just as they did decades before. There are several treatment programs and centers that can help with the numerous types of addictions that are extensive today. Many of them are anonymous. Support groups are also applicable to a helping hand family and friends who encounter the effects of an addiction in a loved one. Rocky IIIcheap augmentinKid & I The
Alcohol: The Enemy in the bottle
Do you find yourself longing for the evening, only to grab a pint of beer or maybe down a few stiffs? Are you the first one to 'raise a toast to that' or propose a celebratory drink? Do you find these occasions where you decide to indulge yourself with just a couple of drinks cropping up a lot more frequently than they used to? If all of these situations sound distinctly familiar, then it's time to take a minute to seriously revaluate those drinking habits. For these are none but the precursors to the most pervasive addiction of the modern era Alcoholism. Alcoholism is defined as the compulsive need to drink, even when the practice of drinking begins to hamper your health, cause strains and tensions in the family and when you need to resort to ever increasing quantities to derive that 'high' that alcohol gives you. It also involves you worrying about not having enough alcohol to consume and obsessing about ways to wean out more sources. Similarly, if you feel the need to be intoxicated in order to function 'normally' then you might be in the category of people who are not indulgent, but dependent on alcohol. The most worrying of all symptoms of alcoholism is that the victim is more often than not, in the state of denial. This means that he is nor only defensive about his habit, but resentful about others commenting on it, simply because he himself is trying hard to convince himself that there's nothing wrong about how much he drinks, or worse, he just doesn't find anything abnormal about it. Also, many alcoholics are deceptively natural in their appearance and interactions, thus alleviating any cause of worry about just how dependant on alcohol they are until they're overcome by their addiction. That's right. There are several other, more subtle indications which signal that your patterns with alcohol are not headed the right way. For instance, if you are disillusioned with the world around you, if you tend to resort to a stiff drink to drown out your problems, or even have a family history of alcoholism, then you may be more prone to alcohol dependence than if you have different means of coping with stress or release of tension, both physical and mental. The physical manifestations of alcohol addiction can be severe to the point of being life threatening. By itself, alcohol is deemed responsible for a majority of deaths around the world, be they through diseases stem out of excessive consumption, or mishaps that take place under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol abuse can single-handedly lead to liver cirrhosis, renal failure and several gastrointestinal complications. Alcohol also makes your blood pressure shoot up, which puts your heart at a greater risk of failure or stroke. Alcoholics may find themselves to be hypoglycemic, as alcohol disrupts the release of glucose to the blood stream. Over time, alcohol can even cause severe neurological impairments like distorted thinking and even dementia. Psychologically, alcohol abuse also leads to the individual becoming estranged from his family and even resorting to domestic violence or even pathological patterns of behavior, either to fund their consumption of alcohol, or under the effects of its intoxication. The most important aspect of your treatment for alcohol addiction is to just talk. Your physician will be the best person to gauge your drinking patterns and can suggest an appropriate counselor as per your level of dependence. If you are just at the higher end of the indulgence phase, your counselor will recommend that you simply cut down on your habit. However, for later stages, absolute abstinence is considered mandatory. Your physician may also recommend medication such as Valium and Campral to help alleviate withdrawal symptoms like palpitation and nausea. The most important part of your treatment is the phase which follows your therapy sessions. Here, sharing your own experiences and learning those of others proves to be of invaluable support in encouraging you to stick to your decision. It is also essential that during the initial phases of your recovery, you avoid any situations which may involve a round of drinks like 'nights out with the boys' or even cocktail events. There are also several other alternative therapies which have been known to considerably aid the process of de-addiction like hypnosis or even acupuncture. Remember, it's never too late to begin; only that it's you who has to take the initiative. All it takes is one firm resolve to step away from the vicious cycle alcohol steeps you in you'll soon find that there's so much more that life has to offer! transformers gameBiker BoyzFreedomland
Random drug and alcohol testing
Random drug and alcohol screening is used by many UK companies to deter the use or abuse of illegal drugs and / or alcohol by employees within the workplace. There have been a large number of case studies to demonstrate how effective random screening is in reducing accidents, absenteeism, ill health, litigation, etc, and as a result it is frequently considered to be best practice, especially in safety critical environments. Even when a business doesn't introduce full random drug testing, they often choose to conduct testing when there is a problem - such as incident or accident based screening or "for cause" testing when there are sufficient grounds to suspect that an employee is not fit to perform their duties due to drink or illegal drugs. How often random drug and alcohol testing should be carried out can be determined by the business based upon a number of factors. Such factors include the nature of the business, demographics of their staff or factors relating to the culture of the business микросхемыprobalanHarsh Times
Binge Drinking: A Sober Risk for Teenagers
Liquor stores, bars, and alcoholic beverage companies make drinking seem attractive and fun. It's easy for anyone to get caught up in a social scene with lots of peer pressure. Inevitably, one of the biggest areas of peer pressure, especially among teenagers is drinking. Many people, especially the youth, don't normally think about the negative side of drinking. Although they think about the consequences of getting drunk, not too much attention is given to the possibility of being hung-over or throwing up. Some people do not know that excessive drinking can lead to loss of concentration, memory lapses, mood changes, and other problems that could affect their day-to-day life. Even with all the public health warnings, there is still a significant portion of the population that would ignore the more serious and longer-lasting risks of alchohol abuse. When it comes to heavy drinking, the phrase статьи по астрономииSleepy HollowBreaking and Entering
Living with an alcoholic
One of the commonest questions anyone working in the addiction field is asked is Room 6Intoxicatingorder clomid
Stop drinking alcohol
The consumption of even a small quantity of alcohol while on medication will seriously aggravate a health condition. There are around 150 known types of medication that can seriously deteriorate a health condition while consuming alcohol. A good example would be antihistamine, whose sedative effect is increased to a point that driving or handling machinery would become very dangerous. If alcohol is consumed while on painkillers such as Tylenol, you could end up damaging your liver. Those of us who tend to self-medicate drugs and take them indiscriminately with alcohol are opening themselves up to a whole range of health problems. You should always consult your doctor about the possibility of drinking alcohol with any prescribed drug. Both legal and social problems can be the outcome of alcohol addiction especially if we are talking about heavy consumption. Problems will most certainly arise at the work place, at home with the family, with the best of friends and with absolute strangers. Hangovers lead to getting up late or not even getting up at all, creating a lack of job productivity and eventually job loss. Alcoholism in pregnant women is a real threat to their baby's health as they could contract a range of congenital defects. They are more prone to serious behavioural problems and on going learning difficulties. The baby might even end up with alcohol syndrome (FAS), resulting in serious physical and mental problems. Long-Term Health Problems: Drinking alcohol may cause liver problems, heart diseases and certain forms of cancer. These problems may not appear immediately but over a long time of drinking. Women are more prone to alcohol related problems than men even if they drink less than men. Really serious liver complaints such as hepatitis or liver inflammation are suffered by people all over the world who over induce in alcohol, and these conditions can even lead to death. About 20% of the world's alcoholics will get alcoholic cirrhosis or scarring of liver hepatitis C virus-HCV-infection, which can lead to the need of a liver transplant. As serious an effect of alcoholism is the contraction of hepatitis C virus-HCV-infection, which might cause liver cancer. Consuming too much alcohol can have a terrible effect on the nervous system causing central nervous system depression. Alcohol will at first stimulate the mind, but then after heavy consumption will cause sedation. The immunity system will become diminished and our logical way of thinking will be affected as well as our emotional behaviour and judgment. A heavy drinker may also encounter speech difficulties and muscle coordination problems. These and other complications can even lead to a heavy drinker falling into a coma. Alcohol consumption is a serious risk for diabetics; as alcohol prevents glucose being released from the liver, increasing the risk of getting hypoglycaemia which caused by a low blood sugar count. This can be life threatening when combined with the intake of insulin, used in regulating the blood sugar level. Pancreatitis: Pancreas produces insulin that regulates the blood sugar level in your body. Drinking alcohol may also endanger your pancreas that produces hormones to control you metabolism. Pancreas produces enzymes that help in digesting the proteins and carbohydrates. Long time drinking of alcohol may cause or the inflammation of the pancreas. Acute pancreatitis may cause severe abdominal pain that can be fatal at times. It can also cause diarrhea and weight loss. So stop drinking alcohol. Marie AntoinetteAccidental Spy Thedetox
Alcohol the enemy of gout
The affects of men and women are influenced by a painful condition which is the gout. For the past 30 years the incidence of gout has increase. It is known that drinking alcohol develops the risk of gout appearance, but yet has not been proven. Beer appears to be more "risky" then wine. Researchers from Massachuttes General Hospital believe that 45 150 men who did not have gout in the following years they have developed it. The most common inflammatory arthritis for men is the gout. The deposit from the joints is caused by the uric acid crystals. The body's immune system is stimulated by the build up of these crystals. Swollen and very painful joints are the symptoms of people with gout. The raising of the gout is due to the following factors: changes in lifestyle like being less active, changes in diet like drinking alcohol and eating red meat, changes in social behavior like the increased use of labour-saving devices. It is generally known that gout does have a genetic basis. A theory saying that drinking alcohol raises the risk of developing gout it's true. From this point of view the alcohol dose play an important role. The deposit of uric acid in the joints and drinking alcohol, due to the existence gout develop the levels of uric acid in the body.From this one results the risk up in the joints. The build up in the body is influenced by the two ways of the uric acid: less removal of uric acid of the body through the kidneys and more production of uric acid in the body. Uric acid removal and production are affected: the case when alcohol is converted to lactic acid, it reduces the amount of uric acid that is removed from the body through the kidneys. The lactic acid interacts with the uric acid for removal from the kidneys into the urine. Increased level of ethanol in the body increases the body production by increasing the amount of ATP is converted to AMP - a precursor of uric acid. There are some portions to measure the alcohol consumption amount the men who studied: 12oz (355ml) bottle or can of beer which contains 12.8g of ethanol, 4oz (118ml) glass of wine which contains 14.0g of ethanol, 1 shot (44ml) of spirits which contains 14.0g of ethanol. Different studies has shown that the risk of gout was significantly raised with alcohol in take as low as 10.0-14.9 g per day and on the other hand for the men who consumed 50g or more per day the risk of gout was 2.5 times higher. Compared with drink no alcohol:10-15 g per day raising the risk with 30 percent, 15-30g per day raising the risk with 50 percent, 30-50 g raising the risk with 100 percent and more then 50 g raising the risk with 150 percent. The developed of gout with increasing alcohol was not the same for each type of drink for example 2 or more bottles per day raise the risk of the gout by 2.5 times compared with no beer intake, 2 shots of spirits per day develop the risk of gout by 1.6 times in comparison with no spirit intake and 2 glasses of wine are considered as inoffensive. The risk perceiving of beer is higher than that for spirits because spirits contain more alcohol than beer. Thus, researches considered that there might be another non alcoholic ingredient in beer that was helping to increase the risk of gout. The researchers also pointed out that beer is the only alcoholic drink which contains chemicals known as purines. So this chemicals play an important role for gout. The researchers argued that purines could contribute to the increase risk associated with drinking beer. But this argument has been changed by other doctors who pointed out that the evidence for purines playing a major role in gout is not conclusive. They were referring to a study of Taiwanese vegetarians who ate a diet that is high in purines. These people had reduced the risk of developing gout. The type of drink could have a direct effect in the risk in developing gout, do to the non alcoholic ingredients in the drink. This has not been proven and other doctors think that other factors are causing the difference in risk. The doctors who disagree with the idea that the drinks themselves have different risks suggested the fact that the type of drink choose to consume reflects someone's lifestyle. People who drink beer may choose to exercises less or eat more risky foods than people who drink wine - the presence of a difference in risk between types of drink. The lifestyle choice is responsible for increasing the risk of gout. It is impossible to say that wine is a "safe" option. It is known that 21 units a week for adult males and 14 units a week for females are recommended. It is very important for people who have gout to keep a proper diet and avoid drinking alcohol in a big amount. For reducing health risks for drinking no more than 3-4 units per day for men and no more than 2-3 units day for women are given as an advice by the doctor. The ideal recipe will be the following: half a pint of beer, cider or larger, a 25 ml measure of spirit like votka, whisky or gin, a 50 ml measure of fortified wine like port or sherry and a small (125 ml) glass of wine. BlackbeardDeepamoxil
Top tips to Stop Drinking Alcohol
Drinking alcohol is potentially dangerous for your physical and mental health alike. It will eventually destroy family relationships and your job will be in firing line. But don't worry as ways to stop drinking alcohol are about to be revealed. The first step in making an effort to stop drinking may consist of identifying the reasons why you want to stop drinking. While some reasons can be general -applicable to all the drinkers- there may be others that may be specific to you. Make a list of reasons to stop drinking. You may also seek your friend's help to complete the list. This most important list should always be kept handy for personal reference in order to keep your commitment on track. It might be a good idea to make photocopies of the list and have them visible in several key locations such as the fridge and the bathroom mirror and keep one in your wallet too. Normally the more hardened or chronic drinkers can stop drinking completely from one day to the next, although an easier alternative is to reduce quantity on a gradual basis. A laid out day by day plan showing daily reductions will help to get to the final goal of quitting completely. A constant progress evaluation would be advised over a 4 week period until the new behaviour pattern becomes a habit itself. You will begin to feel better and make a note of these changes but you may encounter negative feelings too. If you do stumble on the way, pick yourself up immediately and always share your experiences with others and learn from them too. If your self-help plan fails to deliver, there is no reason to be demoralized about your abilities and self confidence. Alcoholism is a disease. It may have made deeper roots and brought about some chemical changes in your biological system. Vital body organs such as the liver, the pancreas, the heart, the kidney or the digestive system can be affected and even damaged by this addictive disease. Medication is another way of fighting alcoholism and will help to reduce the risk of organ damage. So the next step will have to be medical advice and don't waste too much time in getting it. You can be sure to find many things on the way which will impede eventual success. Don't think twice about changing old friends for new ones or changing your route to work as long as you avoid any possible contact with alcohol. One really good change to get you on the right track is to substitute alcohol for healthy fruit juices and always have a piece of gum close at hand. There are numerous de-addiction support groups such as AA and AVERT. AA or Alcoholics Anonymous has international presence. Its membership constitutes of old alcohol addicts who have successfully given up their addiction. They offer practical tips and suggestions based upon their own experience and expertise. They can help you with empathy and understanding. The great thing with these groups is that your identity will always remain anonymous. You can find similar groups online in your town that will be more than willing to draw up a personalised plan that will suit you for cutting out alcohol from your life. Now the new battle becomes the old Devil's advocate when your best of friends will insist on your presence at the pub. Be firm and polite but definite in your wish to stop drinking alcohol and if they truly are good friends, then they will understand. Try a new hobby, go jogging or just do something that takes your mind off drinking. You will always find family and friends will be there to help you in your darkest hour of need and when things are going well, reward yourself with something special. Shanghai Noonbactrim onlinezelnorm
Drunk Driving: When Another Shot Leads to the End of the Road
On July 28, 2006, actor Mel Gibson was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol after being stopped for speeding in his 2006 Lexus LS 430 on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, California. Gibson was stopped on the coast highway at 2:09 a.m. Friday after a Los Angeles County deputy sheriff allegedly observed him driving his car at more than 85 mph. A breath test indicated Gibson's blood-alcohol level was 0.12 percent, based on police records. In California, a driver is considered legally intoxicated at 0.08 percent. Mel Gibson is just one of the famous celebrities who were apprehended because of drunk driving. Other celebrities who were arrested for such an act are Nicole Ritchie, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohay, and Nick Nolte whose now infamous mug shot has become almost a symbol for Hollywood's out-of-control lifestyle and culture. Drunk driving is the act of operating or driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs to the degree that mental and motor skills are impaired. Drunk driving is a serious misdemeanor in the United States. The specific criminal offense is usually called driving under the influence of alcohol and/or other drugs (DUI). In 2005, according to the Department of Justice, nearly 1.4 million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics. That радиотехникаYoung Guns IIGood Thief