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Drinking alcohol is potentially dangerous for your physical and mental health alike. It will eventually destroy family relationships and your job will be in firing line. But don't worry as ways to stop drinking alcohol are about to be revealed.

The first step in making an effort to stop drinking may consist of identifying the reasons why you want to stop drinking. While some reasons can be general -applicable to all the drinkers- there may be others that may be specific to you. Make a list of reasons to stop drinking. You may also seek your friend's help to complete the list.

This most important list should always be kept handy for personal reference in order to keep your commitment on track. It might be a good idea to make photocopies of the list and have them visible in several key locations such as the fridge and the bathroom mirror and keep one in your wallet too.

Normally the more hardened or chronic drinkers can stop drinking completely from one day to the next, although an easier alternative is to reduce quantity on a gradual basis. A laid out day by day plan showing daily reductions will help to get to the final goal of quitting completely.

A constant progress evaluation would be advised over a 4 week period until the new behaviour pattern becomes a habit itself. You will begin to feel better and make a note of these changes but you may encounter negative feelings too. If you do stumble on the way, pick yourself up immediately and always share your experiences with others and learn from them too.

If your self-help plan fails to deliver, there is no reason to be demoralized about your abilities and self confidence. Alcoholism is a disease. It may have made deeper roots and brought about some chemical changes in your biological system.

Vital body organs such as the liver, the pancreas, the heart, the kidney or the digestive system can be affected and even damaged by this addictive disease. Medication is another way of fighting alcoholism and will help to reduce the risk of organ damage. So the next step will have to be medical advice and don't waste too much time in getting it.

You can be sure to find many things on the way which will impede eventual success. Don't think twice about changing old friends for new ones or changing your route to work as long as you avoid any possible contact with alcohol. One really good change to get you on the right track is to substitute alcohol for healthy fruit juices and always have a piece of gum close at hand.

There are numerous de-addiction support groups such as AA and AVERT. AA or Alcoholics Anonymous has international presence. Its membership constitutes of old alcohol addicts who have successfully given up their addiction. They offer practical tips and suggestions based upon their own experience and expertise. They can help you with empathy and understanding.

The great thing with these groups is that your identity will always remain anonymous. You can find similar groups online in your town that will be more than willing to draw up a personalised plan that will suit you for cutting out alcohol from your life.

Now the new battle becomes the old Devil's advocate when your best of friends will insist on your presence at the pub. Be firm and polite but definite in your wish to stop drinking alcohol and if they truly are good friends, then they will understand. Try a new hobby, go jogging or just do something that takes your mind off drinking. You will always find family and friends will be there to help you in your darkest hour of need and when things are going well, reward yourself with something special.
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