Alcoholics Anonymous, more commonly known as AA is the world's largest self help group for people who want to kick their alcohol addiction. Alcoholics Anonymous is a group of men and women who have suffered from or are themselves suffering from alcoholism, and who turn towards each other in order to help themselves get rid of their addictions. If you think that you are an alcoholic or are "addicted to alcohol", then you can seek help from your local AA chapter.
AA colleagues would never say to your face "you're an alcoholic", which leaves it down to you to face up to it. Common symptoms include a constant desire to consume alcohol, always over drinking and the feeling of dependency to alcohol just to get you through the day or night. If you do suffer from any of the previous then you must consider yourself to be an alcoholic or alcoholic dependant person.
There are a lot of people who think that they are not alcoholics just because they have the ability to consume large amounts of alcohol without losing control of their senses, but in the true sense of the word, these people are also alcohol dependent.
As soon as you are certain that you are alcohol dependent, then first you must abstain from drinking as much as you can to kick the habit. Although it is easy to tell someone to cut back on alcohol consumption, it is not possible for an alcoholic to carry out this advice due to the condition that they are suffering from.
So if you are a person dependent on alcohol then it is really important to find stimulating advice from people who have either quit drinking or under the process of quitting. The only place that can provide such support is Alcoholics Anonymous.
Alcoholics Anonymous is without a doubt unique regarding its neutral politics and opens its door to anyone regardless of race or colour. It neither bias towards religion nor social background and its only goal is that of collective non-alcoholism.
AA is a self support group both run by and motivated by people who have or had problems with alcohol dependency and they would welcome in anyone and it's totally free. You are under no obligation whatsoever in joining, apart from the desire to stop drinking alcohol.
Alcoholics Anonymous has the distinction of being the world's largest self help organization. Branches of AA groups can be found in almost every city in the world. The group's members meet almost every week, where they discuss the problems that they are facing as a result of being alcohol dependent, how they want to kick the habit, how they have managed to get out of the quick sands of alcoholism and what are the positive and negative changes in their lives as a result of alcoholism and as a result of getting rid of it.
Alcoholics Anonymous membership is free for all. The organization does not solicit members but all are free to come and go as they please. There are no attendance or membership records. However, the organization does have a buddy system, where one person is codependent on the other and vice versa, and each one tries to prevent their partner from getting a relapse.
So as you can see it is made so easy for anyone in need to join Alcoholics Anonymous and all group therapy is overseen by experts qualified in helping people kick drinking alcohol. You too could just assist a couple of meetings at your local AA branch and see what a difference it makes.
Aurora Media Workshop 3.3