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Do you find yourself longing for the evening, only to grab a pint of beer or maybe down a few stiffs? Are you the first one to 'raise a toast to that' or propose a celebratory drink? Do you find these occasions where you decide to indulge yourself with just a couple of drinks cropping up a lot more frequently than they used to? If all of these situations sound distinctly familiar, then it's time to take a minute to seriously revaluate those drinking habits. For these are none but the precursors to the most pervasive addiction of the modern era Alcoholism.

The most widely known and accepted definition of alcoholism is the continued consumption of alcohol even after it impedes your social and personal interactions and causes a significant number of health issues. Simply put, if your friends and family have been talking about your drinking habit a lot more than they used to, or if you have been putting off that visit to the doctor, only because you don't want him to launch into a minute speculation about your drinking routine, you are well on your way to alcohol addiction.

The most worrying of all symptoms of alcoholism is that the victim is more often than not, in the state of denial. This means that he is nor only defensive about his habit, but resentful about others commenting on it, simply because he himself is trying hard to convince himself that there's nothing wrong about how much he drinks, or worse, he just doesn't find anything abnormal about it. Also, many alcoholics are deceptively natural in their appearance and interactions, thus alleviating any cause of worry about just how dependant on alcohol they are until they're overcome by their addiction.

That's right. There are several other, more subtle indications which signal that your patterns with alcohol are not headed the right way. For instance, if you are disillusioned with the world around you, if you tend to resort to a stiff drink to drown out your problems, or even have a family history of alcoholism, then you may be more prone to alcohol dependence than if you have different means of coping with stress or release of tension, both physical and mental.

The consequences of alcohol abuse begin right when you down that first snifter. Your liver it is worst hit as alcohol steadily leads to inflammation, which soon develops into jaundice, if you keep up with the intake and ultimately Liver Cirrhosis. Here, the tissue is scarred forever, a change which cannot be reversed. Alcohol addiction also causes severe malnutrition on account of the impairment in the absorption of number essential nutrients it is responsible for. The habit of heavy drinking in women is also known to cause several pre-natal birth defects during pregnancy, an irregular menstrual cycle or even Amenorrhea. Alcohol addiction is also wont to cause several behavioral disorders which can start with marital discord and eventually even criminal and antisocial behaviors.

If, in all honesty, you have even the slightest inkling of a doubt that you're alcohol consumption patterns do tend to border on the high side, or if your family or even friends seem to be a lot more concerned about your 'binges' than they were in the past, then it's time you had a heart-to-heart with your doctor. What you must remember is that when it comes to determining whether your drinking is taking its toll on you, you are not the best judge. Your doctor will refer you to appropriate counselors to deal with your habit, based on what level of treatment he deems necessary. If your drinking is just marginally higher than the recommended levels, he will simply ask you to curtail your habit. If you are indeed in the throes of addiction, a detoxification program will be prescribed which then needs to be followed up by counseling and group therapy sessions. For more excruciating withdrawal symptoms, you may also be prescribed medication to ease your process of recovery. However, it is essential that you take the initiative to avoid gathering and interactions where you might be coaxed into a drink and refrain completely from any form of alcoholic beverage until your counselor permits it. Remember, it's never too late to begin; only that it's you who has to take the initiative. All it takes is one firm resolve to step away from the vicious cycle alcohol steeps you in you'll soon find that there's so much more that life has to offer!
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